Saturday, August 14, 2010

2 Things...Both written by me, in February 2007

Valentine's Day

We make Valentine's Day into some big thing

Its a day for everyone to tell everyone else they love each other

And give really mushy gifts..sometimes that are ridiculously expensive

While its a fun holiday, especially in elementary school,

Why do we put so much emphasis on just this day

Why shouldn't you be able to tell someone you love them EVERY day of the year

Why shouldn't you buy something for someone, just because, rather than for an occasion

Why can't girls be as excited about love every day, instead of just today

Don't get me wrong, Valentine's Day is awesome and certainly a day to celebrate the love between friends/lovers/etc

But lets not forget the importance of love between everyone...everyday

Rules to Live By

Don't waste your tears on someone that isn't worth it

Do not change who you are for anyone

Wait for the person that is willing to wait for you

Find someone that makes you laugh when everything else makes you want to cry

Find someone that calls you beautiful and gorgeous not hot or sexy, at least all the time

Find someone that you can sit next to, not talk, and still enjoy your time together

Find the person that when you kiss them, everything else dissapears and the whole world feels like its on fire

Find the person that is willing to do nothing except sleep when they are in a bed with you

Find someone that will hold your hand in front of his friends, as well as kiss you in front of them, without caring what anyone thinks

Find someone that allows you to be who you are

Find the person that makes you feel safe enough to cross every boundary you have in your heart

Find the person that wants to talk to you everyday, and would do just about anything to see you

Find the person that can read your eyes, your smiles, and that listens to what you DON'T say

Find the person that takes your biggest insecurity and makes it feel like the smallest thing in the world

Find the person that will look into your eyes and tell you they want to be with you, and mean it

Find the person willing to devote time to you and only you

Finally, find the person that you know in your heart, is worth it

Because you are beautiful, and you deserve the best!


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Our Journey towards Making a Family

Long Version : Our Journey Blog Post
Go here to learn about how we got our start..and where we are now!

Short Version:
11-28-2008- Started Dating

2-14-2010- Got Engaged :)

4-3-2010- First Positive Test- Baby 1 due 12/10/10

5-1-2010- Miscarriage at 8wks2days

12-10-2010- Estimated Due Date for Baby 1

5-5-2011- Second Positive Test- Baby 2 due 1-12-12
5-7-2011- We are Married!! :)
5-14-2011- Miscarriage at 5wks2days

6-16-2011- Repeated Pregnancy Loss blood work
6-23-2011- HSG looks good!
6-23-2011- dx positive ANA- Anti Nuclear Antibodies

07-05-2011- Rheumatologist Appointment
7-11-2011- dx Low Vitamin D levels. Start Prescription Vitamin D and baby aspirin

09/2011- Officially No Longer Preventing

10/5/11-First cycle Actively Trying. AF shows up

11/21/11-Celiac Bloodwork Negative, Vit D still lower than normal, start another prescription. Continue prenatals with Vit. D as well

01-12-12-Estimated Due Date for Baby 2
01/12-Vit D in normal range, start over the counter Daily Calcium with Vit D supplement per Rhuematologist.

2/15/12-Appt with new Ob who is more proactive with Progesterone Testing-suspects progesterone issues.

2/15/12- 5/9/12-Stop trying and start new charting method (Creighton) to watch for hormone imbalance.