Thursday, February 10, 2011

Its been a really long time...

I really want to get into blogging more...I want to have interesting things to say and to post about!

I want people to be able to enjoy what I write lol! I don't have any more poems or anything to post like I did in the beginning...but I think I may be able to start posting recipes because I love to bake and cook.

                                                     A cake I made Nick's Mom for her Birthday

I will do a huge post when I finally can, about the wedding. After I step back and see what was spent where. Hopefully I will be able to post lots of pictures too!

                                                  My hair and make up after a Hair and Make Up Wedding Trial

I have decided I'm going to make my blog public. This is a scary thought for me, as many people still do not know about my pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage. But, this is my outlet, and I'm finally kind of past the point where I blog about that so much. Do I still miss my baby? Yes. Every day.

But I want this blog to have followers. I want people to read it and I want people to enjoy it. So, I have decided to try and blog every day...and even join in on blog hops when I see them, now that the blog is no longer private.

If you are a reader, old or new, welcome!! So glad to have you. If you are my friend on facebook, please keep what you read her private. Feel free to post any comments or questions you have here, I promise I will answer them.

Anyone out there that is really good at blogging feel free to help me get started and become a better blogger!!! Please!!!!


  1. Welcome to the..dark side? lol...been blogging for two years here and there and like, my entire teenaged/adult life at Livejournal, but that's a private one.

    I wish I could give you some tips but I just kind of stumble around. :o)

  2. haha yeah I used to write on Xanga...but I wouldn't know how to find that if I tried! LOL. I am grateful you at least read my stuff so thanks!! :)

  3. Gotta say.. you made me smile and tear up a little too! You're very brave for putting your life out there like that. From the outside looking in it looks like you're a strong woman, building a strong relationship and that is going to make for an awesome Mama and happy baby one day! :)


Our Journey towards Making a Family

Long Version : Our Journey Blog Post
Go here to learn about how we got our start..and where we are now!

Short Version:
11-28-2008- Started Dating

2-14-2010- Got Engaged :)

4-3-2010- First Positive Test- Baby 1 due 12/10/10

5-1-2010- Miscarriage at 8wks2days

12-10-2010- Estimated Due Date for Baby 1

5-5-2011- Second Positive Test- Baby 2 due 1-12-12
5-7-2011- We are Married!! :)
5-14-2011- Miscarriage at 5wks2days

6-16-2011- Repeated Pregnancy Loss blood work
6-23-2011- HSG looks good!
6-23-2011- dx positive ANA- Anti Nuclear Antibodies

07-05-2011- Rheumatologist Appointment
7-11-2011- dx Low Vitamin D levels. Start Prescription Vitamin D and baby aspirin

09/2011- Officially No Longer Preventing

10/5/11-First cycle Actively Trying. AF shows up

11/21/11-Celiac Bloodwork Negative, Vit D still lower than normal, start another prescription. Continue prenatals with Vit. D as well

01-12-12-Estimated Due Date for Baby 2
01/12-Vit D in normal range, start over the counter Daily Calcium with Vit D supplement per Rhuematologist.

2/15/12-Appt with new Ob who is more proactive with Progesterone Testing-suspects progesterone issues.

2/15/12- 5/9/12-Stop trying and start new charting method (Creighton) to watch for hormone imbalance.