Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not much to say..

I'm really sorry I haven't written more. The truth is life has just really gotten away from me lately. I've been uber busy!  I go to work from 7:30ish til at least 3, usually later by the time I actually get out. Three days a week I have chiropractor appointments in order to try and get my life back to some sort of normalcy...and the other two days I come home and clean and rest.  October is a crazy month filled with birthdays, weddings, my dad's Poker Run and his Halloween Benefit Dance. I really feel as if I'm moving ten steps forward five steps back sort of thing.

I should be cleaning instead of sitting her typing this right now, but today was such a hectic day at work that I just need to sit and be still for awhile.  I am excited for Glee and Parenthood tonight...I love those shows.  We have a training in Harrisburg early tomorrow and I will be gone nearly ALL day. That, I'm hating.  ew.

The other truth is I haven't been dealing with things as well lately. It seems as if the closer it gets to my due date, the harder I struggle with everything. I'm really having a hard time processing it all...I miss my baby. Very much. Life just isn't fair.

October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infancy Loss Awareness Day.  1 in 4 pregnancies will end in miscarriage, its a startlingly high statistic that should be talked about more. But instead unlike so many other awareness events (Cancer, Autism,etc) People just don't want to talk about it or don't know what to say. Please say a prayer or keep all of the families affected with this horrible statistic in your hearts and minds this month, and especially on this day.

I miss you Baby Albright! Aka Monkey
Lost on 05/01/10
Due Date 12/10/10


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Our Journey towards Making a Family

Long Version : Our Journey Blog Post
Go here to learn about how we got our start..and where we are now!

Short Version:
11-28-2008- Started Dating

2-14-2010- Got Engaged :)

4-3-2010- First Positive Test- Baby 1 due 12/10/10

5-1-2010- Miscarriage at 8wks2days

12-10-2010- Estimated Due Date for Baby 1

5-5-2011- Second Positive Test- Baby 2 due 1-12-12
5-7-2011- We are Married!! :)
5-14-2011- Miscarriage at 5wks2days

6-16-2011- Repeated Pregnancy Loss blood work
6-23-2011- HSG looks good!
6-23-2011- dx positive ANA- Anti Nuclear Antibodies

07-05-2011- Rheumatologist Appointment
7-11-2011- dx Low Vitamin D levels. Start Prescription Vitamin D and baby aspirin

09/2011- Officially No Longer Preventing

10/5/11-First cycle Actively Trying. AF shows up

11/21/11-Celiac Bloodwork Negative, Vit D still lower than normal, start another prescription. Continue prenatals with Vit. D as well

01-12-12-Estimated Due Date for Baby 2
01/12-Vit D in normal range, start over the counter Daily Calcium with Vit D supplement per Rhuematologist.

2/15/12-Appt with new Ob who is more proactive with Progesterone Testing-suspects progesterone issues.

2/15/12- 5/9/12-Stop trying and start new charting method (Creighton) to watch for hormone imbalance.