Sunday, March 20, 2011

Three Years

Three years ago today, I was in a terrible accident and survived. I wanted to take some time out today to post about it and how lucky I feel to be alive. 

This is the road leading up to the bank that my car hit. The bank is about 2 feet high, it's definitely bigger than it looks.  Basically, my left front tire on my car blew and sent my car over the yellow line towards an oncoming car. I saw the car and jerked my wheel to avoid it, not knowing there was a wheel on my car without a tire on it. The hubcap dug into the road and flipped my car on its side.  The car was only going about 45 mph but when I hit the bank, it propelled me to about 90. I hit the bank, went airborne, and then the car flipped upside down.

Once my car came down on hits roof on the bank, it rolled down the bank and slid down the street for about a 100 feet.

This is what the road looked like after my car was moved.
This is my car. We're still amazed that I walked out of the hospital that night.

A local subaru dealer let us store my car at their shop for quite some time, and stripped it for parts.

See how the roof is dented like that? The police said that had I had my seatbelt on, I would have been killed instantly when the impact of the roof hit my head. Instead, I was able to lay down and roll with the car. The hood of the car actually ripped up and covered the windshield as it was sliding down the street which prevented me from flying out of it.

I left the hospital on very shaky feet, because it was very painful to walk. I had class embedded in my head, two compression fractures in my mid spine, two goose eggs on the side of my head, a severe concussion, a busted lip, and a sprained foot because it had gotten trapped under the dashboard.

I'm not writing all this to get attention or anything I just look back on it with awe and because this is my blog, I wanted to post it here as well.  Today, I'm happy to be here!


  1. Wow how scary!!! That's so amazing you walked away from that in the same day! So glad you're okay! :)


Our Journey towards Making a Family

Long Version : Our Journey Blog Post
Go here to learn about how we got our start..and where we are now!

Short Version:
11-28-2008- Started Dating

2-14-2010- Got Engaged :)

4-3-2010- First Positive Test- Baby 1 due 12/10/10

5-1-2010- Miscarriage at 8wks2days

12-10-2010- Estimated Due Date for Baby 1

5-5-2011- Second Positive Test- Baby 2 due 1-12-12
5-7-2011- We are Married!! :)
5-14-2011- Miscarriage at 5wks2days

6-16-2011- Repeated Pregnancy Loss blood work
6-23-2011- HSG looks good!
6-23-2011- dx positive ANA- Anti Nuclear Antibodies

07-05-2011- Rheumatologist Appointment
7-11-2011- dx Low Vitamin D levels. Start Prescription Vitamin D and baby aspirin

09/2011- Officially No Longer Preventing

10/5/11-First cycle Actively Trying. AF shows up

11/21/11-Celiac Bloodwork Negative, Vit D still lower than normal, start another prescription. Continue prenatals with Vit. D as well

01-12-12-Estimated Due Date for Baby 2
01/12-Vit D in normal range, start over the counter Daily Calcium with Vit D supplement per Rhuematologist.

2/15/12-Appt with new Ob who is more proactive with Progesterone Testing-suspects progesterone issues.

2/15/12- 5/9/12-Stop trying and start new charting method (Creighton) to watch for hormone imbalance.