Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
I truly have so so much to be thankful for. My loving husband, a warm home, bills that are paid, money in the bank.
A supportive and loving family!
Great friends, near and far.
Everyone is healthy, for the most part.
My car. My dog. My God.
The freedom to say and do as I please, within reason.
My job! Great coworkers.
Our service men and women past and present!!!!
My guardian angels. I miss you my precious babies. So much more this time of year. I love you to the moon and back. <3
Those that can no longer be with us, but leave a lasting memory. Thanks for everything, know you're missed.
Laughter. Trust. Love. Hope.
Always hope.
AAAWWWW....I love that qoute, love you to the moon and back!